
2024 Daegu International Future Auto & Mobility Expo

DAY 1 │ 10. 23(수)

Martin Ufer

Frounhofer IVI

Fuel Cell Power Train for Non-road mobile machinery
2013 – 2016: Institute for Railway Technology (Dresden, Germany) Project engineer
2016 -2019: Dresden University of Technology (Dresden, Germany) Research Associate, PhD candidate
2020 – 2022: Institute for Railway Technology (Dresden, Germany) Project Manager, Head of Project Team
Since 2023:
Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI Head of Research Group for Monitoring and Operating Strategies, Vehicle Systems

Dr. Martin Ufert can draw on more 10 years of experience in engineering of electric transportation systems and vehicle technology with alternative drive systems. Martin and his team at Fraunhofer IVI (Germany) have a high degree of expertise in engineering of systems, components and software solutions for battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell drives of buses and commercial vehicles. Additionally, IVI supports transport companies in the introduction of electric and hydrogen vehicles by conducting feasibility studies and developing migration concepts and ramp-up scenarios.
Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles (FCHEVs) are vehicles with drivetrains consisting of both battery and fuel cell systems. The reason for including dual power sources can be attributed to the increased energy density demand of the vehicle. While batteries offer a high-power density, they have substantially lower energy densities in comparison to fuel cell systems which lack high power densities. As a result, both systems naturally complement each other in the scope of high-power, high-energy demand applications. Promising fields of application for FCHEVs include heavy long-distance goods transport and special machinery, such as construction machinery with limited access to charging infrastructure or high requirements in terms of range, energy demand and operating times. To make fuel cell drives attractive for these applications, the operating costs must be kept as low as possible in addition to the investment for operators. Both efficiency-enhancing and wear-reducing measures for the components of the powertrain play an important role here throughout the entire operation of the system. To this end, modular, vehicle-based, platform-independent algorithms for controlling and predicting the wear of the fuel cell drive and the battery system is being developed, implemented, and tested.
시간 325호
11:00~12:00 개막식
12:00~13:00 중식
기조강연 자동차의 지향점,
SDV 지향 사이버보안 강화 전략
한-독미래차 컨퍼런스
13:00~13:30 현대자동차
이상엽 부사장
14:00~14:30 LG전자
이상용 연구소장
15:00~15:30 (좌장) 계명대학교
사공상욱 교수
(발제) 국가기술표준원(KATS)
최종찬 자율차 국가표준 코디네이터
(발제) 현대오토에버
정지훈 차량전장SW센터장
(발제) 지능형자동차부품진흥원
김봉섭 실장
패널 토론 지능형자동차부품진흥원
김봉섭 실장
최종찬 자율차 국가표준 코디네이터
정지훈 센터장
류종은 차장
홍성수 교수
박찬규 학술위원
박지영 연구위원
TU Chemmitz
Dr. Thomas von Unwerth
김민수 교수
Fraunhofer IVI
Martin Ufert
research group manager
김명환 부문장