
2024 Daegu International Future Auto & Mobility Expo

DAY 1 │ 10. 23(수)

Dr. Thomas von Unwerth

TU Chemnitz

Assesment of hydrogen for cars - a more holistic approach
Study mechanical engineering and PhD at TU Dortmund
2001 – 2010 corporate research VolkswagenAG Wolfsburg, fuel cell systems 2006-2010 responsible for fuel cell car fleet at Shanghai VW (China)
Since 2010 Head of professorship advanced powertrains at TU Chemnitz
Since 2014 Director of Institute for automotive research at TU Chemnitz
Since 2017 Chairman of the board of Hzwo e.V. – Innovation cluster hydrogen and fuel cells in the state of saxony
Since 2022 scientific director of the Hydrogen and mobility Innovation Centre, Chemnitz (funded by german government – ministry BMDV)
Since 2023 Chairman of the board of the HIC gGmbH

Member of VDI consulting committee propulsion and energy management
Member of VDI commission hydrogen and fuel cells
Boardmember of ICM GmbH, Chemnitz
Current European legislation stipulates that cars and light commercial vehicles must no longer emit CO2 by 2035. In order to achieve these targets, battery electric vehicles in particular are being promoted, as they are generally considered to have the best overall efficiency. However, this assessment is very one-dimensional; hydrogen for cars must also be assessed on the basis of other important criteria in addition to pure efficiency. These include economic, social, cultural and human factors, which must also be considered in a comprehensive context for a future global hydrogen society. Different fields of application in mobility have different customer requirements that cannot be met by battery-electric power alone from case to case. The resulting technical factors such as energy density, performance, safety, service life and costs, in combination with the socio-economic boundary conditions of climate change, energy dependency, demographic ageing, polarisation and individualisation, lead also to mobility solutions based on hydrogen as an energy source. The wide range of options for the production, storage, transport and use of hydrogen and its derivatives gives it decisive advantages over an all-electric society. If we include a future global hydrogen ecosystem in our considerations and examine chains of effects that take into account the degree of utilisation of renewable energy in different parts of the world, a completely different picture of the combined chains of use and effects, so called ‘utifficiency’, emerges. This is then very close for electric and hydrogenpowered vehicles. The comparison of other advantages and disadvantages like e.g. filling and charging times, infrastructure and usage of raw materials then shows that hydrogen for automotive applications is – depending on the specs of the application and the needs of the customer - as well a superior option as electricity and hydrogen-based synthetic fuels. At last, even often said, that hydrogen will be first needed in huge amounts for other applications like steel production, it has to be taken into account, that therefore prices have to be very low since for hydrogen steel there is a highly intensive cost-competition. In contrast, hydrogen for cars, just below a diesel-equivalent price will do and especially during a market introduction phase (with only small needed amounts of hydrogen for cars compared to steel-plants) that could fit very well to a slowly increasing offer of green hydrogen together with slowly falling prices due to the needed time-intensive ramp-up of electrolyzers worldwide.
시간 325호
11:00~12:00 개막식
12:00~13:00 중식
기조강연 자동차의 지향점,
SDV 지향 사이버보안 강화 전략
한-독미래차 컨퍼런스
13:00~13:30 현대자동차
이상엽 부사장
14:00~14:30 LG전자
이상용 연구소장
15:00~15:30 (좌장) 계명대학교
사공상욱 교수
(발제) 국가기술표준원(KATS)
최종찬 자율차 국가표준 코디네이터
(발제) 현대오토에버
정지훈 차량전장SW센터장
(발제) 지능형자동차부품진흥원
김봉섭 실장
패널 토론 지능형자동차부품진흥원
김봉섭 실장
최종찬 자율차 국가표준 코디네이터
정지훈 센터장
류종은 차장
홍성수 교수
박찬규 학술위원
박지영 연구위원
TU Chemmitz
Dr. Thomas von Unwerth
김민수 교수
Fraunhofer IVI
Martin Ufert
research group manager
김명환 부문장